Cthulhu bib for your little sprogling

For all of you with little sproglings at home check out what I found when searching for “Chtulhu” on Etsy:  NeedleNoodles :: Crochet Baby Bib Pattern PDF

What’s really nice is that the artist released the pattern set under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

Monster Bibs

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Talk about minis…

I used to think that I painted “minis” because I do Warmachine models but this guy takes the word to a whole other lever. Imagine the Statue of Liberty carved so tiny she fits inside the eye of a needle. Wow.

Art in the Eye of a Needle – Video

(Thanks to YoungWolf7 at BrushThralls for posting the link in their forums a while back.)

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Changing from Chicks to Dicks

Well, I guess I left out a couple of apostrophes there. We have a chain out here called Chick’s Sporting Goods and I just heard a radio ad that they are closing with 10% to 50% off everything but then reopening as Dick’s Sporting Goods in a couple of months. Dick’s is actually the parent company’s name so it makes sense but when my buddy at work phrased it as “Changing from chicks to dicks” it was suddenly quite amusing.

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Worst Selling Girl Scout Cookies

My wife sent me this image from The Onion so I will have to find the actual article but for now here’s the image for you to enjoy.

Worst Selling Girl Scout Cookies

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Warmachine box update

I decided that I should have adjusted the white balance on the Crusader and Revenger photos so here they are in a better light. *groan*

There are still little things like shading, highlighting & washing plus painting the top of each smokestack so they glow like hot coals. I also noticed a bit of white glue showing on the Crusader’s boulders. I actually made progress on my Repenter also (changed from white shoulders to black for instance) and I’m determined to make him work somehow in a game since I love the idea of blasting a unit of troopers with a flamethrower template. I’m really glad I found the errata that says his flamethrower actually sets things on fire now (since my card doesn’t say that).

Crusader and Revenger after basing

Crusader detail

Revenger detail

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Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

I went to Google something this morning and discovered that today would have been Dr. Seuss’ 105th birthday. I am a huge fan of his work and he did some really amazing stuff outside of his children’s books. Image links to a story on Geek Dad at Wired.

Google salutes Dr. Seuss' birthday

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Am I channeling an ancient Egyptian today?

I feel like I’m channeling an ancient Egyptian today since I keep typing “horus” instead of “hours” in my trouble tickets. It’s either that or I’ve been listening to Powerslave too much lately.

Horus (and some unidentified woman)

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Lovecraft card game looks very interesting

I just discovered the Call of Cthulhu card game and I really want to play it.  It’s what Fantasy Flight games calls an LCG or Living Card Game. Once upon a time I played Magic: the Gathering which is a CCG (Collectible Card Game). The CCG aspect kind of turned me off since people with more money could buy more blind packs and have a better shot at getting better cards. The LCG model is different as described by Gaming Report.com:

Joyce Greenholdt Reports: Fantasy Flight Games has announced a new sales model for its A Game of Thrones and Call of Cthulhu collectible card games. Both games will fall under the new banner of the “Living Card Game,” or LCG. The LCG format will feature starter boxes with a large assortment of cards. Rather than traditional random blind booster pack releases three or four times per year, an LCG will have monthly releases all year round. Every month, FFG will produce a new pack containing 40 fixed cards for $9.95 – one each of

10 cards, and three each of another 10 – allowing the game to grow and evolve, yet letting new players easily join in down the line.

That article from February 2008 mentions the starter box at $30 and the monthly expansion packs at $10 but when I checked the publisher’s web site the boxed set is now going for $40 (but the packs are still only $10). I really like the idea of everyone getting the same cards yet still being able to buy more cards all the time to keep the game fresh. I’ve been a big Lovecraft fan for a long time but haven’t had a chance to play the RPG; the board game is expensive and even with a couple of expansions out there I don’t know if I know enough people to keep playing it. With the LCG all I really need is one person to duel with and I might be set.

Call of Chtulhu card game

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Video Games & the Apocolypse

One of my gaming buddies posted a link to this funny gamer article at Tales of the Rampant Coyote that comments on this video from the Onion News Network about how good a job video games are doing in teaching young people how to prepare for the apocolypse.

Are Violent Video Games Adequately Preparing Children For The Apocalypse?

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WM/Hordes SoCal Smackdown 3/7

In a couple of weeks there’s going to be a big Warmachine/Hordes tournament up in Anaheim that I’m going to try to attend. It’s in Steamroller 4 format so I have to go find the rules on the Privateer Press site to make sure I know how it is run. I also need to come up with two good 750-point lists. Here’s the thread in the PP forums.

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Idrian Skirmishers get a little color

My brother got me a box of Idrian Skirmishers (plus a blister) for Christmas and I finally got around to priming them a few weeks ago, then got just a bit of paint on them. I did the leggings first (I’ll probably go back and do the shoes a darker brown) then Vallejo Chainmail Silver as the base coat for the metallics on the kopis (swords) and rifles. I then tried my hand at the skin tones, I was going for something a bit towards the almost metallic gray color of the fluff art in Legends. You can see it in the center figure’s face but the two on either side ended up with a bit much gray in them so they look quite pallid. The second image is the studio paint job for two of the normal troopers and the third is the unit attachment. I obviously won’t be able to paint at that level for quite a long time (if ever) but at least I feel like I’m getting better as I go along. I hope to start posting more works in progress & finished models this year.

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Billy Mays redub videos

Mangoat turned me on to the hilarious Billy Mays redub videos. Jabooody takes a Billy Mays commerical for Oxiclean and other TV products and dubs them with goddamn hilarious voice tracks. Here’s a sample below, use the link to find all the Jabooody stuff. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED: these are not work safe (language).

Jabooody dubs on YouTube

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I followed a link from Mangoat.net and ended up at this stupendous mega-Oreo. I can only imagine having enough patience to build that bad boy, I’m sure I don’t have enough. This guy took an entire package of Doublestufs (which incidentally look about as thick as a regular Oreo did 15 years ago) and put all the centers inside one pair of cookies. This came from This Is Why You’re Fat.

from Jasongrafix

Of course then as I scrolled through the site I couldn’t pass up the 7-pound breakfast burrito that is stuffed with potatoes, eggs, onions, and ham bits, lots of cheese on top and smothered in red chile.

from Skinnyboy

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It’s 1234567890 (Unix epoch that is)

My friend sent me this link to a Wired article about Unix epoch time about 20 minutes too late. The date/time stamp in the Unix epoch format was just 1234567890 about 20 minutes ago. There’s also a link to a geeky clock that can tell time in Roman, hex, Unix Epoch, binary or octal formats. Click the image to go to the product page at Think Geek.

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Another Warmachine update (finally)

It’s been far too long since I posted some of my Warmachine work. I’m still playing strictly Protectorate of Menoth and still losing most of the time but having great fun anyway. The painting is all but done on my Crusader and Revenger (yes the ones I started about eight months ago) so I decided to start basing them tonight. I started with a nice coat of sand followed by small boulders, then a little static grass on the Crusader. I will definitely add a larger bunch but that got me started at least. The pictures are just down & dirty since I just wanted to snap something quickly and get it up here. I’ll try to take better onces since I may post on the Privateer Press boards soon.

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