Great air show pics from SF

This fella got some great pictures of the Fleet Week air show in San Francisco recently. Take special note of the Blue Angels shots, I can’t believe how low they got.

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Joel Hodgson Interview

To keep the ball rolling here’s an interview with Joel from

Star Wars: Community | A Guy Named Joel: Launching Cinematic Titanic

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Hooray for the rise of Joel

I just read that Joel Hodgson and the original cast of MST3K are embarking on a new venture called Cinematic Titanic at where they will release episodes on DVD and for download. They’ll be riffing on bad movies just like the old days. I found this out via an RSS feed from Slashdot.
Cinematic Titanic logo

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Maxtor hard drives shipped with Trojan

A guy at work pointed out this story so I wen and found this story at Computerworld that is almost identical to his e-mail.

November 12, 2007 (Computerworld) — Seagate Technology LLC has shipped Maxtor disk drives that contain Trojan horses that upload data to a pair of Chinese Web sites, the Taiwanese government’s security service warned this weekend.

The Investigation Bureau, a part of the Ministry of Justice that’s responsible for both internal security and foreign threats, said it suspected mainland China’s authorities were responsible for planting the malware on the drives at the factory. “The bureau said that the method of attack was unusual, adding that it suspected Chinese authorities were involved,” a story posted by the English-language Taipei Times reported Sunday. “Sensitive information may have already been intercepted by Beijing through the two Web sites, the bureau said.”

Seagate confirmed today that some Maxtor Basics 3200 drives were infected out of the box, but the company said it had no proof that the Chinese government was involved. “We discovered that a contract manufacturer had introduced a virus onto the drives during assembly,” said Forrest Monroy, a Seagate spokesman, in an e-mail. “We have no indication, nor any reason to believe, that there is any government involvement in the virus issue.”

According to the newspaper, about 1,800 Seagate-made drives left a Thailand facility with a pair of Trojan horses preinstalled. The two Trojans, said the Investigation Bureau, “phone home” to a pair of Web sites hosted in Beijing and report all data recorded on the compromised drive. Seagate, however, countered that the only data captured by the on-disk Trojans and sent to the Chinese Web sites were game-related passwords.

Internet records show that both sites — and — were registered with, one of China’s largest domain registrars. Much of the registration information, however, including the contact name and mailing address, appears to be bogus.

The Investigation Bureau identified the infected drives as 500GB models and has demanded that the Taiwanese distributor pull all units from shelves. Of the 1,800 drives reportedly malware-equipped, 1,500 have been removed from the sales channel. The remainder had already been sold.

Seagate claimed that as soon as it discovered the infections, it put a “stop ship” order on all units leaving the factory. “The drives leaving the facility are [now] clean,” Monroy said. But because some infected drives are in customers’ hands, Seagate will post a 60-day trial version of Kaspersky Labs’ antivirus software on its Web site. Users should scan any suspected Basics 3200 drive for the malware, Monroy advised. “Seagate apologizes for any inconvenience this may have caused our customers,” he added.

This is not the first time that the government of mainland China — the People’s Republic of China — has been accused of cyberspying or other computer hacks and attacks. Two months ago, it was fingered for hacks on U.S. military networks, and in May a U.S. Defense Department report said that China has beefed up its own armed forces’ first-strike cyberattack capabilities.

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gOS mobo is keen

The new gOS motherboard seems like a great idea to me. It’s a mainboard designed specifically for gOS, a Linux distro based on Ubuntu but with embedded Google applications. The evil empire (oops, I mean WalMart) is selling a $200 PC built on this board and their web site is already sold out. Local stores don’t all carry it but the three in my area that do are sold out as well.

I think that if I can’t revive my Ubuntu file/print server I just might have to try one of these boxes and throw in my large drives for extra storage.  The only question is how to get one without shopping at WalMart.

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Holy crap, I actually played ClownShoes this week

I haven’t played Counterstrike in I don’t know how many years but I actually did a couple of times this week. How the hell could that happen you ask? It’s simple, really. I bought the Orange Box so that I could play Team Fortress 2 with my friends (not to mention that I loved TFC back on the original Half-Life engine). That came with CS for the Source engine so one night when my favorite TF2 server was full I jumped on  a CS server on a lark.

You know what? It was actually fun again. I think I just burned out on it from playing too much (I started back with Beta 4) and having too many jerks playing back in the day. The game looks much better with the new engine (not to mention my shiny new rig where I can crank up the video settings) just like TF.

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Silly Italian hidden camera show uses skeleton

Happy belated Halloween! I got this video via e-mail and thought it was at least amusing. I’m sure if they tried it in the U.S. one or more of the victims would have sued for pain & suffering. And yes I still haven’t figured out how to get embedded videos to work in Word Press so here’s the link:

YouTube video

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Resources for Defending Evolution

I’m tired of seeing all the Intelligent Design (ID) crap that people are trying to pass off as science so here’s a page of links that I found on the Scientific American web site that can be used to defened evolution and the scientific method against ID and Creationism.

Resources for Defending Evolution: Scientific American

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Monkeys: 1, Deputy Mayor: 0

Yes, it’s true (at least according to the BBC): monkeys killed the deputy mayor of Delhi, India. Any death is tragic but there’s something about monkeys being involved that adds a bit of humor. Unless this is step one in the “Monkeys take over the Earth” plan…

Of course part of me also says “that’s what you get for taking over so much monkey habitat and building strip malls and shit there” too.

BBC story about killer Rhesus macacques

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And the hammer comes down on Comcast

I liked this story (picked up from Slashdot) about a frustrated Comcast customer in Manassas who got so pissed at the shitty customer service from Comcast that she took hammer down to their office and smashed up a keyboard, monitor and phone.

Old lady hammers Comcast (literally)

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She comes in color (no, really)

This Sony commercial is really fun and I can’t believe that they pulled it off in just three weeks.

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Skeeball: 1, Child’s Head: 0

Yep, it’s never a good idea to put your head down at the target end of a skee ball lane, even if the other kid is supposed to be throwing down the next lane over.

Little Kid’s Head v. Skeeball on

(I really need to figure out how to get WordPress to let me embed videos…)

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Why do people get upset about a 40-year old building?

Why do people insist on getting worked up over stupid things? These four buildings at the Coronado naval base are really just for L-shaped buildings put into a circle but some folks are all up in arms about how it looks like a swastika from the air. I’ve flown out of the San Diego airport many times and never noticed it from the air. The complex was built 40 years ago but apparently now that people can see the aerial view with help from our Google Overlords it’s very upsetting to people.

Now I can understand that once ground was broken the Navy didn’t want to spend extra money to change it but why didn’t someone notice when viewing the blueprints? 

News story on Fox

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Dogs: 1, Sparrow: 0

A couple of nights ago on our walk Saratoga ran to the edge of one of the condo buildings and I could see a dark shape up against the wall, it was probably a little smaller than a baseball. She turned around and I see the feet & head of a small sparrow sticking out of her mouth as she held the body gently. I told her to drop it and put a little pressure on her jaws to help out. I saw the legs twitch but I don’t know if it was just a nervous system reaction or if it was still alive.

Sara was a good girl and released the bird but as it fell out of her mouth Jackson came running in and grabbed it by the tailfeathers and swung it into his mouth! He has a big problem dropping anything remotely edible and has very strong jaws so I had to just let him keep it. He took a few chomps & gulps and then the sparrow was gone. So far we haven’t seen any ill effects but I’m wondering if the beak & feet will digest enough before they come out. (Ewww.)

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Fun with RiffTrax

I ran across RiffTrax from a banner ad on Something Awful of all places. It’s Mike Nelson from MST3K who has recorded MP3 commentaries (lots of them with Kevin Murphy aka Tom Servo and Bill Corbett aka Crow). You buy the MP3 for about three or four bucks and listen to it while watching the DVD of the movie so it’s just like MST3K but without the robot silhouettes at the bottom.

It looks like he has over 40 titles already, some of them good SciFi (Fellowship of the Ring, The Matrix, The Grudge etc.) and some real stinkers (Point Break, Cocktail, Glitter). I think I may have to try one this weekend. The only drawback is that the truly funny ones are usually the crappiest movies and I hate to spend money on even renting them; I should try to find some crappy used copies on or something.

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