Who said it, Hitler or Falwell?

Mangoat linked to the Stinko Pinko’s LiveJournal page where he has 10 quotes, some said by Adolf Hitler and some said by the recently deceased Jerry Falwell. Your job: figure out who said each one. You might be surprised if you are a right-wing bible-thumping televangelist-following person.

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Man loses girlfriend due to Blackberry outage

I ran across this story at Network World about the guy who claims he lost his girlfriend due to the big Blackberry outage last week. Sure sounds like she just found a convenient excuse to break up with the guy. Talk about being addicted to your Crackberry

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Alec Baldwin: Father of the Year?

Wow, Alec sure has a way with children, just listen to the voicemail he left his 11 year-old daughter here.

It sounds more like he’s trying to teach her to fear him rather than respect him. He sounded like an 11 year-old himself in that message. I figured that she probably is a thoughtless little pig since her parents are spoiled movie stars but that’s their fault, not hers.

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“Out of Pocket” doesn’t mean that!

Argh, somebody just touched one of my pet peeves again today. I hate it when people are going to be out of the office (especially out of town) and they tell everyone else that they are going to be “out of pocket”. That’s just wrong! “Out of Pocket” != “Out of Town”. I wish people would learn that out of pocket means that you are paying for expenses out of your own pocket to be reimbursed later by the company. People around here even use that phrase when they are going out of town on a personal vacation that doesn’t have anything to do with work.

What they really mean is that they will be out of contact i.e. not checking e-mail/voicemail or taking calls on their company cell phone.

I actually found something to corroborate my definition: Out-of-pocket expenses at Wikipedia

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Historical Motivation Posters

This thread in the Something Awful forums has some great motivational posters based on historical photos and events. I finally signed up for a forum account (not that I’ll necessarily post anything) but I do enjoy some of the stuff that gets posted over there.

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Naked Chocolate Jesus

Just saw this on CNN, apparently chocolate Easter bunnies weren’t enough for an enterprising artist. He decided to make an anatomically correct naked chocolate Jesus as reported by WLKY in New York in this story.

Naked Chocolate Jesus

Better yet he titled this work “My Sweet Lord”.

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Bono’s charity org is bogus

After reading this story about how Bono and U2 take full advantage of tax breaks etc. (thanks Mangoat) I ran across a related story that RED (a charity organization that Bono founded to fight AIDS in Africa) spent only 18% of their revenues last year on their stated goal; yep, the other $82M went towards advertising. What a shame.

Point/Counterpoint: (RED) Raises $100 Million, Spends 82% On Advertising

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Vista IPv6 security is non-existent

Alpine$sun posted this on a BBS I frequent and I thought it was worth sharing.

I presented at a security confrence last week and the speaker after me was taking about Vista and IPv6. Basically Vista is about as secure as a large mansion with no doors due to lots of IPv6 hacks and ‘man in the middle’ attacks!

Vista by default will use IPv6 over IPv4. Now IPv4 is what’s used in the internet and not IPv6 so a 6to4 conversion is needed. Microsoft in their stupid security vision have come up with a new system called Teredo. Teredo uses UDP 3544 and encapsulates IPv6 frames/packets into a IPv4 UDP tunnel that leaves your gateway and heads for one of four microsoft Teredo servers to do the 6to4 conversion, so in essence Microsoft are snooping all your traffic!!!!!!!!!!! Now it gets worse. People have been running Linux/Unix/Vista Teredo servers within ISP’s to attract the UDP traffic in. Now your asking that’s not possible, well let me tell you it is as all IPv6 host announce themselves on a special IPv6 link layer addressing system to let them communicate in ‘community’ IP domains. Once they announce themselves the hackers are then using posion reverse ARP’s to attact the traffic…Microsoft just made a man in the middle attack very very very simple!!!!

Fix: Block all out bound UDP 3544 traffic on your LAN’s!!!!!

Here are resource links he provided:






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Holy horse apples, real centaurs!

I ran across this at eatliver.com today and I’m scared. The meeting place is about an hour from my house so theoretically I could go out there some Wednesday to see the insane people in person.

Of course there’s always the chance that it’s a nerd trap and anyone who shows up in costume will be laughed out of town, too.

And how would Centaurs fit into a Ren Faire? Even if they weren’t mythical they were from ancient Greece IIRC so they don’t really fit into the 1400s, do they?

Crazy real-life centaur meeting

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24…….Hour Pizza Delivery

Thanks to Mangoat for linking to this one. I’m with him, it was really well done.

Ever wonder what it would be like if Jack Bauer were a Pizza Delivery Driver instead of an agent for CTU? Between Seasons four and five of 24… Agent Jack Bauer, with aid from a former US President, faked his own death to avoid an unjust trial overseas. Unable to provide employers with his true identity, Jack Bauer succumbed to working many service industry jobs which he is, sadly, unqualified for.

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The Week magazine

My brother got me a subscription to The Week magazine for Christmas and I’m really enjoying it. While a weekly magazine might seem hard to keep up with it’s fairly thin so it’s doable. I don’t watch the news on TV much (a couple of minutes of CNN on my way out the door in the morning) and I don’t read the paper or news magazines so this is just right for me.

Basically they pick up news stories and opinion pieces from around the country and the world so you get a section of facts then various opinions about that issue. It’s really a good read, I recommend it to anyone & everyone.

I put this in the politics category but it covers everything, even stupid celebrity news (but only a little thank god). There’s even a recipe page where they pick a specific dish, then combine the best features of multiple recipes into one.

The Week

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Random images for 2007/02/11

From the NASA launch image gallery
NASA launch photo

From the National Optical Astronomy Observatory site
Horsehead Nebula

From the Library of Congress
Honest Abe

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Say hello to my little friend (Jackson)

My wife and I went to a local pet shop to get a Valentine’s Day portrait of our two dogs and damned if they didn’t have five dogs from a local shelter there that they were trying to adopt out. Once my wife gave me “the look” I knew we were going home with dog #3. They said he is a seven year-old Jack Russell Terrier mix named Jack (original, eh?) but my wife renamed him Jackson (let the Jackson Pollock, Jackson 5, Action Jackson etc. jokes fly now). We call him Jacksie or Jax for short. Below is the portrait we had taken; it was initially going to be just Saratoga (on the left) and Milo (on the right) but since we decided to take Jackson (middle) home with us we decided to have all five of us in the picture.

Valentine's Portrait 2007

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Ecto-1 is for sale

It would sure be nice to have $150K laying around so  could buy the authentic George Barris-built Ecto-1 car from the first Ghostbusters movie. You can even get 144 month financing.

Did you know that the car was used in “In The Heat of the Night” (Sidney Poitier & Rod Steiger) before Barris customized it for GB?

Hemmings listing for Ecto-1

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Zalman HD160XT HTPC case – drool…

Damn, when I finally get around to building my own home theater PC I hope I can afford one of these…

Zalman HTPC case

See the details here. The bottom of the front panel flips open to expose ports like USB, Firewire etc.

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