Homeowners fined for peace wreath

This is just crazy, an HOA decided to fine a couple for displaying a holiday wreath that looks like a peace sign.

Homeowners’ Association President Bob Kearns said Wednesday that the board had required another resident to remove peace symbols a week before, and that property owner complied.

Jensen said the other property owner, a neighbor, had sunk skis marked with peace symbols in his driveway as driveway markers. She said the neighbor told her he was informed that residents were offended by the posting of the peace symbols “while our country is at war.”

Apparently even though we are fighting for peace in Iraq it’s not okay to show your feelings about peace here at home. They want to fine her $25/day until she takes it down. It’s too bad the other neighbor caved in and took down their peace symbols.

And talk about ham-fisted rulers:

On Wednesday, every member of the subdivision’s five-person Architectural Control Committee was asked to resign when they collectively opposed the decision by the board of directors to fine Jensen and Trimarco.

I guess when others call you on your stupidity the only logical reaction is to get rid of them (rather then listen to what they have to say.)

Peace Wreath Creates Stir

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Linux tips (so I remember)

Use HISTIGNORE in bash – prevents duplicate entries

Boot a CD image in Qemu – for mounting ISO images in software before burning

CLI file transfer over SSH
Copy a file to host: cat FILE|ssh HOST “cat ->FILE’S-LOCATION-ON-HOST”
Copy a file from a host to current host: ssh HOST “cat FILE”|cat ->FILE’S-LOCATION-ON-CURRENT-HOST

Gentoo Handbook – supposed to be a good reference guide for any distro

Scan your *nix for rootkits

Firewall Ports and Samba File Sharing

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Dell Refunds OS Cost For Those Adopting Linux

This is amazing, some guy actually got a $106 refund for the Windows license that came with his laptop. He didn’t want to use Windows and sent a picture of him clicking the “I don’t agree” button in the Windows license screen and they coughed up the dough.

DailyTech – Dell Refunds OS Cost For Those Adopting Linux

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The Windows Shutdown crapfest

This is a great blog entry by someone who worked at Microsoft for years, the last few developing a “feature” for Vista. He was actually working on just the Shutdown sub-menu under the start menu but there were an amazing number of people with ties to just that little feature. I was stunned to see that the other people on outside teams had to wait sometimes months to see his changes propagate to their code tree. This really shows how big & bloated the Windows development team has become and sheds some light on why things get so f’ed up in the product.

moblog: The Windows Shutdown crapfest

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What’s with the dumb Austrian criminals?

I saw a story in my Reuters news feed on my Palm about a guy in Vienna who mistakenly tried to rob the town hall thinking it was a bank. In trying to find the original story at Reuters (which I never did) I ran across this one at vienna-life.com which is even better.

There have been so many strange bank robber stories floating around over the last few months that we’re beginning to wonder whether it’s all an extended April Fool.

First there was the fellow who tried to hold up the Town Hall in Poggersdorf under the mistaken belief that it was a bank. (He’d spotted a cash-point outside and made a crucial error of judgement). He was arrested – empty-handed – fleeing on his motor-bike.

Next came the Viennese villain who joined a bank queue dressed as an Egyptian Mummy. When his turn came round, the Mummy demanded a fortune, quietly informing the flabbergasted clerk that a grenade was hidden in his bandages, and that if cash was not forthcoming…..

Finally, last week news broke that an impoverished Viennese toy-shop owner had tried to hold up a bank with a water pistol. All was going fine until the security guard spotted a flaw. Namely, that the deadly weapon was suspiciously similar to one that he’d played with as a four-year-old nipper. The hapless thief’s plan was foiled, and he was bundled to the ground.

Next week, if you see someone walking down the street dressed as Batman, remember that he may not actually be on his way to a fancy dress party – he’s probably a hardened criminal.

Is there something in the water in Vienna?

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Sadly “Striptease send-offs at funerals may become a thing of the past in east China”

Yes it’s true, according to this story by Reuters.

Police swooped last week after two groups of strippers gave “obscene performances” at a farmer’s funeral in Donghai County, Jiangsu province, Xinhua news agency said.

The disrobing served a higher purpose, the report noted.

Damn those strippers for being obscene. Apparently the more people who attend your funeral the more the dead person is honored so rich families hire one or even two troupes of strippers to bolster attendance.

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Those wacky Indian restauranteurs

I understand that “The swastika has its roots in ancient Indian Hindu tradition and remains a sacred symbol for Hindus” but come on, how could anyone in the year 2006 in any country think naming their restaurant “Hitler’s Cross” would be a good idea?

Says the owner:

“We are not promoting Hitler. But we want to tell people we are different in the way he was different.”

I initially found this story at MSNBC but then found a better one at the India Times here: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1906370.cms

This one has an even better quote from an Indian actor named Murli Sharma:

“I found the huge posters of Hitler at the restaurant amusing. That’s all I can say,” he told TOI over phone.

When asked if he felt disturbed by the name of the restaurant, Sharma said: “I am not really agitated as I have not read much about the man (Hitler). However, from what I know about Hitler, I find this name rather amusing.”

I guess that’s how someone could choose a name like that, if they never studied 20th century world history. I can’t believe that people from this guy’s country went off to war against Hitler and he doesn’t really have a clue why.

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You call yourself a Misfits fan?

Holy body mods, this guy is totally mental. I wonder what he’s going to do with the rest of his life?

You call yourself a Misfits fan?

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World of…

Here’s a generated image for my buddies that play World of Warcraft:

World of Addicts

If you want to make your own go here: http://worldof.leufven.se/

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Escher quote for 20 November 2006

I have a great M.C. Escher calendar that has artwork for the weekdays and quotes on the weekend. This last weekend had a quote I liked:

Order is repetition of units. Chaos is multiplicity without rhythm.

This is especially applicable to his tesselation artwork.

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Is Mario a Communist?

I had never heard this theory before today: Super Mario Bros. for the NES back in the 1980’s was actually Communist propaganda. I first ran across the cool video The People’s Mario at Devil Ducky which then prompted a Google search which came up with Is Mario a Communist?

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Alaska worse than Florida in elections?

Dead woman wins election in Alaska after coin toss

A dead woman won re-election to a school board in rural Alaska after her opponent lost a coin flip meant to break an electoral tie. The school district, which covers an island region stretching 600 miles and has jurisdiction over about 50 students, has not yet decided how to fill Dunton’s seat.

Why the hell wouldn’t they just give the seat to the opponent who got the same number of votes? Makes me wonder which state is worse, AK or FL.

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Milo is here

Two weeks ago we adopted Milo from the same animal shelter where we got Sara. Milo is a Chihuahua mix, we first thought it was with Dachshund but now we think he might be part Toy Manchester Terrier. He weighs a paltry seven pounds so he’s easy to handle with one hand.

Milo is the most affectionate dog I’ve ever met, from the first two minutes we sat with him at the shelter he was licking our faces like there’s no tomorrow. He’ll go up to complete strangers and go on a lick-fest.

Milo on my chest:
Milo on my chest

Same with Sara in the background:
Milo, Sara and Me

And yes that’s a Philip doll for the dogs to play with (he came with Terence for only ten bucks). You can also barely see my Chinpokomon pants if you look closely.

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Wife or girlfriend need a hobby? How about the Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit?

Peekaboo Pole Dancing Kit – $119.99 : Peekaboo

Yes that’s right, you can now have your very own pole at home with no drilling required.

Peek-a-boo Pole

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Microsoft changes Vista EULA

Microsoft changes Vista EULA to appease modders; pirates still screwed

Originally MS said you could only transfer Vista to another computer one time, ever. That sucks because people like me are constantly upgrading hardware and that really isn’t a fair license. Now they have backtracked and the language in the EULA is “You may uninstall the software and install it on another device for your use. You may not do so to share this license between devices.” So now you can keep transferring all you like as long as it’s only on one device at a time (which is how it should be).

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