Happy Halloween, care for an eyeball cupcake? My wife made them and I helped frost them and put the eyeballs on top.
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Happy Halloween, care for an eyeball cupcake? My wife made them and I helped frost them and put the eyeballs on top.
I can’t believe that there are people so lazy that they need to buy “pre-fab” ice cubes. Ice Rocks are individually sealed compartments of water, kinda like a sealed ice tray. Too lazy to fill an ice tray at your faucet? Just buy Ice Rocks and throw them in the freezer. I think the environment friendly claim of the recyclable “trays” falls a bit flat considering you could just use the same fifty cent plastic tray from Target for years without it going in a landfill.
ICE ROCKS® – Water Bank of America Inc. (WBOA)
(click on Products then the first item to get to the right page)
Now I’m as big a fan of VR hardware (goggles etc.) as the next guy but I think this helmet is going a bit too far.
Okay so it was a worm/trojan and not a virus but I wonder how many of these poor people even know what hit them?
Winners of 10,000 MP3 players given away in a Japanese fast-food promotion got more than they bargained for, as their prizes contained a worm. If they connect the music players to their computers to fill them with songs then the worm, WORM_QQPASS.ADH, can infect the computers and steal personal data.
Well that’s their tagline anyway over at nougart.net. I was searching for today’s random internet image and found the cool doodle below which led me to the site and some other funny doodles.
Who needs Xbox, I discovered an NES emulator that allows you to play the old 8-bit games right in your browser (via Java). Thanks again Mangoat!
A buddy of mine found the Bitter Waitress site and the best part is the Shitty Tipper Database. Waitstaff can enter in the check total & tip amount/percentage plus comments. There are some good ones in there, you just have to poke around. One thing I don’t like is that the site assumes anything under 17% is a shitty tip which I think is unfair.
I used to use the orange flavored Crest toothpaste but since I can’t find it anymore I bought Fructodent Toothpaste in green apple flavor. Damn if it doesn’t taste like you are brushing with a Jolly Rancher candy.
Thanks to Mangoat (again!) for pointing out Google Gadgets. I found this quote generator, hopefully it will have some good ones.
Yes, I actually used a spare Cat5 cable to extend my dog’s leash at work. I wanted her to be able to wander a little farther away from my chair than her normal leash would reach.
And yes I named my dog Saratoga after the WWII aircraft carrier.
My buddy at work snapped this picture of a Green Lynx Spider on his orange tree over the weekend. The leaf is about 2″x4″ so that tells you how big the spider is. Their bite is mildly venomous, similar to a bee sting.
Somehow my buddy at work didn’t know about Homestar Runner to here he is:
Everybody! Everybody!
I agree with this Weird Al fanatic, he needs a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Kind of amazing that he was able to raise $15K in donations to pay for it.
The Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Campaign for “Weird Al” Yankovic
Every so often I like to google for random images. Here are a few I came across tonight (since I can’t seem to fall asleep):