Here are some links I googled for a buddy about adding new users in Linux:
Linux User Command Tips
Learning Debian GNU/Linux from O’Reilly
The Process of Creating User Accounts from Red Hat
Adding a New User from Linux Headquarters
Here are some links I googled for a buddy about adding new users in Linux:
Linux User Command Tips
Learning Debian GNU/Linux from O’Reilly
The Process of Creating User Accounts from Red Hat
Adding a New User from Linux Headquarters
Darana turned me on to this Line Rider – beta by ~fsk on deviantART which is a fun little game. You draw lines with a pencil tool and then a little guy on a sled rides the lines like a roller coaster (er, or a sled going downhill I guess). Enjoy!
A friend of mine (thanks Darana!) steered me to for inexpensive yet quality cables. I’m taking back the $40 component video cable I bought at Fry’s and I’m buying a premium video component cable with integral stereo audio for only $22 from Monoprice instead.
Thanks to Mangoat for posting the Angry Nintendo Nerd on his site. This guy does some funny reviews of old NES games in a very angry fashion.
I ran across the link below which goes to show how arrogant some companies can be about their trademark names. Monster Cable has sued various other companies that are in entirely separate realms for trademark infringement of the word “monster”. Kind of ridiculous really, I mean who’s going to mistake and try to buy audio cables from an employment web site? Two other examples are suing the Discovery Channel for “Monster Garage” and Disney for “Monsters, Inc.”. What a bunch of arrogant weasels.
Holy crap, a $14K Scallywag Sloop Pirate Themed Club House at Costco. Who the hell would buy that?
As much as I hate Anheuser-Busch and the politics around the current deployment of U.S. troops I really like this video
Somehow the topic of Black Metal came up on the train ride home the other day so I promised my friend I’d find the link to the Top 10 Most Ridiculous Black Metal Pics of All Time. Sadly the original page is gone but at least it was archived by our friends at For a taste of the horror within check out this pic of a band called Dimmu Borgir. Somewhere I saw someone comment that it looks like they Photoshopped in a guy from some cheesy new-wave type band into this picture:
Good-bye Lucky, you were one hell of a pet. We’ve never known a parakeet to live for 10+ years but you were the best. Thanks for all the wonderful years of songs & whistling, we’ll never forget you.
One of my gaming buddies (thanks Bean!) posted a link to Newest Webcams at Opentopia. They built a page that has scraped the Internet for unsecured webcams and have links to a ton of them.
Another neat trick was posted by soreal, just put this into Google and it will search for unsecured webcams that use that sort of URL: inurl:”ViewerFrame?Mode=” (Not as useful since there aren’t thumbnails like Opentopia has though.)
Vladmaster reels are “Handmade Viewmaster reels designed, photgraphed and hand-assembled by Vladimir”. I think that’s a really cool idea and wonder why I haven’t seen such a thing before. He has a neat set of four disks based on parables written by Franz Kafka here. Thanks to my lovely wife for finding this link.
No not the aircraft carrier, our new dog! She is a 3-year old terrier mix who we adopted from a local shelter. She’s really well behaved, I can’t believe she wasn’t adopted sooner.
Wow, talk about a hard-core Apple-head…
I know Mel has been nuts for at least a few years but now he’s really gone batshit insane. As evidence I present these stories of Mel Gibson at
And to top it all off the LA County Sheriff’s office tried to cover up the anti-semitic bullshit that Mel was spewing while being arrested, see here.
Mel Gibson….or Saddam Hussein? You make the call.