So I guess the moral of this story is “be careful what you wear when you go out drinking” so your mug shot for DUI doesn’t look like this guy’s:
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So I guess the moral of this story is “be careful what you wear when you go out drinking” so your mug shot for DUI doesn’t look like this guy’s:
I picked up the print ‘zine Infiltration several years ago and really enjoyed it. I was happy to see in the back of 2600 magazine that there’s a website now too at It’s a really interesting read about urban exploration in areas that are normally off-limits (abandoned buildings etc.)
What really caught me was a quote near the end of the “non-disclaimer” page:
We don’t seek to smash the state, just to ignore its advice on a subject it doesn’t really know much about. When we see a sign that says “Danger: Do Not Enter”, we understand that this is simply a shorthand way of saying “Leaving Protected Zone: Demonstrate Personal Accountability Beyond This Point”.
One of my co-workers spoke this gem on the phone to a vendor yesterday in an attempt to get better pricing:
Every dollar spent is a dollar not saved.
Thanks to Mangoat for this link about six special Monty Python programs being developed for PBS to air this year.
Good-bye Peter Benchley, we’ll miss you. I’m finally inspired to go read Jaws. Can you believe it’s one of my favorite movies of all time and I still haven’t read the book? – ‘Jaws’ author Benchley dead at age 65 – Feb 12, 2006
A friend at work sent me this link to a page about the 2005 Edwards AFB air show.
B-2 Spirit @ Edwards
His main site is interesting, check the bottom left for links to airshow and aircraft museum links.
Flying Kiwi
This looks cool, I bet my buddy Rommel would be interested. It’s big enough that you could really put some detail into it (as long as you aren’t afraid of breaking it).
Hobby Surplus Sales – Traditional Hobbies at Discounts of 20-75%1/16 scale R/C T-34/85 Russian Tank
Snopes says the guy with the fire mouse story (see two articles below) changed his story, then changed it again so who the hell knows what really happened.
A homo mission that is. It’s amazing what you dig up when you start cleaning out your closet (oops, I made a pun.) – Vengeful mouse sets house ablaze – Jan 8, 2006
Short version: guy throws wild mouse into pile of blazing leaves to kill it. Mouse catches on fire, says “FU” to the guy then runs into the house (setting it on fire).
No was hurt inside, but the home and everything in it was destroyed.
That’s what you get!
I have no idea where I found this custom Magic: the Gathering card but I got a laugh from it (and that’s saying something since I haven’t played in at least six years).
One of our cabling vendors mistakenly sent this picture to us, thankfully it was for a different client’s site.
I was looking up a map for the area where our store in California, MD is located and was surprised to see that Middle Earth is actually right near Chesapeake Bay.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about spaying & neutering pets but the idea of a giant bus that drives around doing it with a big “Neuter Scooter” logo on the side just seems wrong to me.
So I followed a link on the other day to a video clip that was amusing yet disturbing at the same time here. After the video it linked to this ACLU page. I filled out the form letter and it was sent to our two CA Senators, Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein on 11/2.
I was very surprised to get an e-mail from Feinstein’s office today that read thusly:
Thank you for your letter regarding the “REAL ID Act of 2005″
as incorporated into the “Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief Act, 2005”
(H.R.1268). I welcome the opportunity to respond.
Congress passed H.R.1268 on May 10th, and the President signed it into law on May 11th. I was opposed to the inclusion of the REAL ID Act in this bill. This Act makes major changes to our immigration laws, and I believe the Senate did not have adequate opportunity to review, consider and debate its provisions. Instead, this complex piece of legislation was added to an unrelated funding bill, and was passed without amendment. The only changes made were negotiated in secret, with Democrats shut out of the process.The REAL ID Act wasn’t the only immigration language added to this bill without proper review. For instance, the Republican leadership added language at the 11th hour which creates a new temporary worker program for 10,500 Australian workers.
So each year now we could see an influx of 10,500 Australian workers, along with their families. Assuming that each of these professional workers brings their spouse and child, in reality we could see an increase of 31,500 individuals each year.
I remain committed to immigration reform, but I believe that immigration policy, with its far-reaching effects on our economy and our national security, should be considered carefully on its own merits, not tacked on to unrelated legislation.Again, thank you for writing. I hope you will continue to keep in touch. If you have any further comments on this issue, please contact my Washington, D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841, or visit my website at